Deliciously flavoursome with a warming hint of chilli, this is a fabulous warm weather turkey chilli recipe, perfect for serving with jacket potatoes and salads.  It’s packed with kid friendly veggies and super high in protein too.  Oh and it’s only 64p per portion.


  • 2kg Turkey Mince £9.96
  • 1kg Sweet Potatoes £1.19
  • 1kg Onions 99p
  • 2 Tins Cannelloni Beans 98p
  • 3 Tins Chopped Tomatoes £1.05
  • 1kg Frozen Sweet Corn £1.45
  • Tube Tomato Puree 59p
  • Bulb Garlic 24p
  • Cumin 25p
  • Chilli Powder 25p
  • Cayenne Pepper 25p
  • Parsley

Total = £17.20

Makes 27 servings = 64p per serving

Turkey Chilli - Slow Cooker Batch Cook Recipe

Food purchased from Aldi. Prices correct at time of publishing.

How to Make Turkey Chilli

Start by mincing (that means very finely chopping) the garlic.

Then chop the onions.

Pop them in a deep frying pan and add the spices.

Turkey Chilli - Slow Cooker Batch Cook Recipe

Fry the onions and garlic in the dry spices, once they’re nice and soft pop them in the slow cooker.

Use the same pan (saves on the washing up) to fry the mince until it’s mostly brown.  Then chuck it into the slow cooker with the onions.

Turkey Chilli - Slow Cooker Batch Cook Recipe

Next peel and chop the sweet potato. Add it to the slow cooker.

Turkey Chilli - Slow Cooker Batch Cook Recipe

Next pour in two tins of cannelloni beans.

Turkey Chilli - Slow Cooker Batch Cook Recipe

Then pile on three tins of chopped tomatoes.

Turkey Chilli - Slow Cooker Batch Cook Recipe

And a full tube of tomato puree.

Turkey Chilli - Slow Cooker Batch Cook Recipe

Give it a stir and cook on low for about 8 hours, or on high for 5 hours if you’re in a rush.

Turkey Chilli - Slow Cooker Batch Cook Recipe

At the end of the cooking time add the frozen sweetcorn.

This will overfill your slow cooker so you will need to remove some of the cooked turkey chilli to make room for the sweetcorn. Just pop a portion into a freezer tub and add some sweetcorn in too. Then there will be room to stir in the sweetcorn and leave it to cook while you make your rice, jacket potato or whatever else you’re serving with your Turkey Chilli.

Turkey Chilli - Slow Cooker Batch Cook Recipe

Oh yeah, I forgot there was some parsley in there.  A really good sized handful chopped and popped in the slow cooker with the rest of the ingredients.  Buuut in my world my darn dog eat it, seriously I got home from the supermarket having bought the ingredients for this recipe to find that my dog had dug up and eaten my perfectly healthy parsley plant.  I grew that thing from seed last year and it survived the winter, it had even started to grow again, until the flaming dog got his jaws into it.  So yeah, that happened.

I do hope that my Turkey Chilli recipe has inspired you to have a go at making your own healthy batch cook dinners.

Follow me on your favourite social media channel for more budget family recipes.

Turkey Chilli - Slow Cooker Batch Cook Recipe

Pin It Now, Cook it Later

Pin this Turkey Chilli recipe to your Pinterest board so you can find it when you need a cheap and healthy recipe.

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A Little Bit About Me . . .

Thank you so much for stopping by my little corner of the interweb. I’m Bridie, mum to two small humans, full time homemaker and full time craftaholic – which totally explains why I’m always short on time!

Bridie @ Heart Hearth and Crafting

I’ve included links to my favourite retailers for the products I’ve used to make my crafts. Click on any of the product images and links for full details. If you decide to buy any of these products I may get a small percentage of what you spend. There’s no cost to you at all.
