I’ve been on the hunt for a boys sewing pattern that uses woven fabric so I’m giving the Classic Oxford from Peek-a-Boo Patterns a whirl. I’m sewing it up in this fun Guinea Pig polycotton fabric.

Classic Oxford Button Up Shirt Sewing Pattern

Peek-A-Boo Patterns Classic Oxford Shirt Pattern

I’ve got loads of woven fabrics which is great for sewing my Little Miss lots of dresses but it leaves my Little Dude feeling left out. I wanted to make him matching outfits but I’ve been really struggling to find sewing patterns for boys clothes that require woven fabrics. I’m so glad I invested in the Classic Oxford from Peek-A-Boo patterns, now my kids can have adorable matching outfits!

I have lots of sewing projects in mind for this fun fabric so I’ve opted to sew the Classic Oxford with shorts sleeves to leave as much leftover fabric as possible.

Sewing Peek-A-Boo Pattern’s Classic Oxford Shirt

Digital Sewing Patterns

Digital sewing patterns are fantastic for kids clothes because you just print the size you want, no tracing or messing about trying to preserve the larger sizes of the pattern for using as your child grows.

They generally come with loads of different options and a wider size range than traditional paper sewing patterns. Most of the digital sewing patterns I own go all the way up to the teenage years.

For me one of the huge benefits of using digital sewing patterns over their paper counterparts is space. I can keep as many digital patterns as I like on a tiny hard drive taking up hardly any space in my sewing room. My traditional paper sewing patterns have to squeeze into a box on a shelf. I don’t feel guilty keeping that digital pattern that I’ll probably never find the time to use because it doesn’t take up any resources in my home. That paper dress pattern on the other hand – that has to justify the space it takes up.

Fabric and Notions

Printed Polycotton Fabric - Guinea Pig Denim Blue

I came across this fun fabric just after my kids had bought a pair of adorable guinea pigs. I just couldn’t resist commemorating the occasion with fabric.

It was cheap as chips so I’m not complaining that the quality reflects this. It is adequate quality, easy to sew with and whilst the finish certainly isn’t as nice as 100% cotton I’m not disappointed.

Dill Round Matte Buttons

I’ve picked out the buttons from my inherited button stash. I’m including a link to the closest one’s I could find from my favourite haberdashery supplier.

Sewing Peek-A-Boo Pattern’s Classic Oxford Shirt

As with most of my sewing projects I’ve used my favourite Coats Moon thread. It’s really great value and suitable for just about every sewing project.

There’s lot’s of colours to choose from in my Etsy shop and value variety packs too.

Sewing the Classic Oxford Shirt

The Classic Oxford Shirt is described as an intermediate sewing pattern and I’d say that’s spot on. There are quite a lot of complicated bits like the back yoke, collar and cuffs. But the instructions are very clear and it’s oh so satisfying to see the yoke come together so neatly.

Sewing Peek-A-Boo Pattern’s Classic Oxford Shirt

Whilst it’s not a sewing pattern to whip up in a hurry it’s become one of my favourites because the results are so darn cute!

Sewing Peek-A-Boo Pattern’s Classic Oxford Shirt

I’ve sewn it up according to the pattern instructions without any alterations.

I hope you have enjoyed reading about my adventures in sewing.

Follow me on your favourite social media channel for more sewing inspiration and tips.

Sewing Peek-A-Boo Pattern’s Classic Oxford Shirt

I do hope my sewing project has inspired you to have ago at sewing your own Classic Oxford Shirt.

Pop this post in your Pinterest board so you can find it later.

Sewing Peek-A-Boo Pattern’s Classic Oxford Shirt Pinterest Pin

A Little Bit About Me . . .

Thank you so much for stopping by my little corner of the interweb. I’m Bridie, mum to two small humans, full time homemaker and full time craftaholic – which totally explains why I’m always short on time!

Bridie @ Heart Hearth and Crafting

I’ve included links to my favourite retailers for the products I’ve used to make my crafts. Click on any of the product images and links for full details. If you decide to buy any of these products I may get a small percentage of what you spend. There’s no cost to you at all.
