This pulled pork lasagne recipe is a great budget meal that’s also super tasty and filling, even my picky eaters love it. As the cost of living is soaring I’ve been looking for ways to cut the cost of my families meals. Meat is the most expensive ingredient in most meals and pork is the cheapest meat availible right now. I’m working on adapting some of my most popular recipes to use pork instead of other meats and keep the cost down. As always I’m making a big batch of this Pulled Pork Lasagne and filling my freezer for a bargain!


Pulled Pork Lasagne Recipe – Budget Batch Cook
  • 1.69kg Pork Shoulder Joint £6.41
  • 1kg Onions 99p
  • 1kg Carrots 68p
  • 3 Tins Chopped Tomatoes £1.05
  • 1 Bulb Garlic 24p
  • Tomato Puree 59p
  • 4 Beef Stock Cubes 22p
  • Worcestershire Sauce 69p
  • 2 Packs Lasagne Sheets £1.50
  • 4 Pints Milk £1.43
  • Plain Flour 20p
  • 200g Butter 38p
  • 450g Cheese £2.44

Total = £16.82

Makes 33 servings = 51p per serving

Food purchased from Aldi. Prices correct at time of publishing.

How to Make Pulled Pork Lasagne

Pork shoulder is currently the cheapest real meat you can buy. I’m adapting my Lasagne Bolognese Recipe to use pulled pork instead of beef mince which is more expensive.

The Pulled Pork Lasagne is made in just the same way as my Lasagne Bolognese recipe, only the pork is cooked in the slow cooker along with the Bolognese sauce. After it’s cooked the pork is shredded before being added back into the sauce.


Lasagne Bolognese Recipe – Budget Batch Cook

Start by mincing the garlic bulb.  I use a food processor to make this super quick and easy.

Pulled Pork Lasagne Recipe – Budget Batch Cook

Then dice the onions, again I use the food processor but you can do it by hand, it just takes a little longer.

Pulled Pork Lasagne Recipe – Budget Batch Cook

Fry them up in a big frying pan with high sides so you can fit everything in.

Once the onions and garlic are soft pop them in the slow cooker.

Remove the packaging from the pork and throw that into the slow cooker too.

Pulled Pork Lasagne Recipe – Budget Batch Cook

Then peel and grate the carrot.  I got a food processor mostly for this job, I used to do it with a cheese grater and it took AGES.  

Pulled Pork Lasagne Recipe – Budget Batch Cook

Add three beef stock cubes. You can use homemade beef stock instead, if you have it.

And a tube of tomato puree.

Then three tins of chopped tomatoes.  If you wanted to reduce the cost of this recipe you can add extra tins.

Then add a small bottle of Worcestershire sauce.  You can make this Pulled Pork Lasagne without the Worcestershire sauce but I highly recommend adding it as it brings a whole new dimension to the flavour of the recipe.

Pulled Pork Lasagne Recipe – Budget Batch Cook

Set the slow cooker to low and leave it for about 6 – 8 hours. You could set it to high for 4 hours if you’re in a rush but I do recommend that you cook this Pulled Pork low and slow to really let those flavours fuse.

Once the pork is fully cooked remove the joint form the slow cooker and place it on a chopping board. Use a pair of forks to gently pull the meat apart. Keep going until the whole joint is shredded.

Pulled Pork Lasagne Recipe – Budget Batch Cook

Then put the pulled pork back into the slow cooker and mix it in with the rest of the sauce.

Pop 200g of butter into a good sized pan.

Pulled Pork Lasagne Recipe – Budget Batch Cook

Turn the heat on low and gradually add 8 table spoons of flour.

Pulled Pork Lasagne Recipe – Budget Batch Cook

Mix it well as the butter melts.

Pulled Pork Lasagne Recipe – Budget Batch Cook

Gradually add 4 pints of milk.

Pulled Pork Lasagne Recipe – Budget Batch Cook

Mix it well and allow it to thicken.

Pulled Pork Lasagne Recipe – Budget Batch Cook

Add a ladle full of white sauce to each oven proof dish, completely covering the base.

Pulled Pork Lasagne Recipe – Budget Batch Cook

Place a sheet of lasagne on top of the white sauce.

Pulled Pork Lasagne Recipe – Budget Batch Cook

Add a few spoonful’s of the pulled pork mixture.

Then another sheet of lasagne.

Pulled Pork Lasagne Recipe – Budget Batch Cook

Keep layering up white sauce, pulled pork then lasagne finishing with a final layer of white sauce.

Pulled Pork Lasagne Recipe – Budget Batch Cook

Top with slices of cheese.

Cover with cling film, cool and freeze.

To cook pop the lasagne in the oven and cook on gas mark 5 for about 45 minutes, when the cheese should be bubbling away and the lasagne should be fork tender.

I do hope that my Pulled Pork Lasagne recipe has inspired you to have a go at making your own pulled pork recipes.

Follow me on your favourite social media channel for more budget family recipes.

Pulled Pork Lasagne Recipe – Budget Batch Cook

Pin It Now, Cook it Later

Pin this Pulled Pork Lasagne recipe to your Pinterest board so you can find it when you need a cheap and tasty dinner recipe.

Pulled Pork Lasagne Recipe – Budget Batch Cook Pinterest Pin

A Little Bit About Me . . .

Thank you so much for stopping by my little corner of the interweb. I’m Bridie, mum to two small humans, full time homemaker and full time craftaholic – which totally explains why I’m always short on time!

Bridie @ Heart Hearth and Crafting

I’ve included links to my favourite retailers for the products I’ve used to make my crafts. Click on any of the product images and links for full details. If you decide to buy any of these products I may get a small percentage of what you spend. There’s no cost to you at all.
