I love the Wildflower Dress Sewing Pattern from Peek-A-Boo Patterns. It’s incredibly versatile, this time I’m sewing the long sleeved version in Christmas fabric and of course I’m sewing the huge twirl skirt.

Wildflower Dress Sewing Pattern

I love the Wildflower dress sewing pattern from Peek-A-Boo patterns. There are loads of different options to sew. The full twirl skirt is fantastic if you have plenty of fabric. It looks amazing as my Little Miss twirls about dancing – the perfect party dress!!

There’s also an Aline skirt option for when you’re short on fabric. It’s also a better option for directional prints.

This time I’m sewing the long sleeved version. It’s a great option for winter dresses. For summer there’s also puffed or flutter sleeves which my Little Miss loves.

There are other options for the neckline but I’m a chicken so I’ve only attempted the simple round neckline. I figure I’ll master that before I challenge myself with the sweetheart neckline or the scooped back.

The sash is a beautiful touch. I’ve used it on other sews with the Wildflower pattern and it looks amazing. But this time I’ve gone for the no sash option purely because I didn’t have any suitable co-ordinating fabric.

Fabric Choices

My fabric stash has reached that awkward point where I have both too much fabric but also too little of my favourite types and colours. I’m working on de-stashing before investing in my fabric (until my local fabric shop had a closing down sale and I panicked!!). Deviations from plans aside, I am endeavouring to clear a substantial amount of fabric stash . . . .

I’m actually doing pretty well with the Christmas fabrics, I think this is the last large piece. I’ve been meaning to sew it into a special Christmas outfit for um, about 6 years lol. Other things i.e. life always takes priority.

But this Christmas I was on a mission and actually made time to sew up this lovely rich red cotton fabric that I inherited many, many years ago.

Sewing Up

I followed the pattern pretty closely.

With hindsight I should have measured the interfacing to make sure that it was exactly half an inch from the edge of the bodice back instead of eyeballing it. It would have made the bodice back easier to sew and probably let it lie more neatly.

I always struggle hemming such a large circular skirt. But I took my time and I think I did quite a nice neat job in the end.

The buttons that Little Miss chose are far too small, she’ll need help getting into this dress which is far from ideal. But again I’m working on de-stashing my huge inherited button box before I buy more (until my kids got bored in a yarn shop and started asking for beautiful buttons . . . ).

I have completely failed in my de-stashing goals this year and I’m really, really happy about it.

I’m the very fortunate owner of three generations worth of fabric stash. Not just ordinary hobbyists fabric stash either, my mum was a textiles teacher, her stash was huge. Plus my own shop full of notions. Then there’s the papercraft stash. Like literally a shop full. Plus my teacher mum’s stash of tools and stamps and papers and . . . I have spent the last six years reducing my massive craft stash down to a manageable level.

And you know what? It’s blooming depressing. Denying myself all the beautiful papers and fabric and pens and . . . and . . . And seeing my crafty design choices dwindling from near infinite to “this isn’t right but it’s what I’ve got so it’ll have to do”.

So this year I’ve splurged. It all started with the fabric shop closing down. Half price fabric, hell yes I splurged! Then a simple trip to buy one jumper’s worth of yarn turned into erm, well I now have an extra cubic foot of yarn. Got to support those independent yarn shops don’t ya know!! And then I got annoyed with my lack of designer papers, I also discovered the cheap 12×12 packs at the Range and now I have to find an extra shelf for my 12×12 papers.

And I couldn’t be happier, like a certain animal in muck or rather a crafter in craft stash. Order has been returned to my universe along with the fabulously first world problem of craft supply storage. Ah bliss!!

I hope you have enjoyed reading about my sewing adventures.

Follow me on your favourite social media channel for more sewing inspiration and tips.

I do hope my Christmas Wildflower Dress sewing project has inspired you to have ago at sewing your own beautiful girl’s dresses. Or maybe giving yourself permission to re-stash some of your de-stashing efforts!!

Pop this post in your Pinterest board so you can find it later.

A Little Bit About Me . . .

Thank you so much for stopping by my little corner of the interweb. I’m Bridie, mum to two small humans, full time homemaker and full time craftaholic – which totally explains why I’m always short on time!

Bridie @ Heart Hearth and Crafting

I’ve included links to my favourite retailers for the products I’ve used to make my crafts. Click on any of the product images and links for full details. If you decide to buy any of these products I may get a small percentage of what you spend. There’s no cost to you at all.
