I’m sewing a cute Christmas outfit for my Little Dude using Peek-A-Boo pattern’s Cape Cod shirt pattern and some lovely Christmas print cotton fabric.

Peek-A-Boo Pattern’s Cape Cod Sewing Pattern


I love Peek-A-Boo’s Sewing Patterns, they’re usually quite simple to sew to come in a wide range of sizes. So I can get to grips with one pattern and make it over and over as my kids grow.

If you sign up to their Facebook group there’s lots of free patterns availible – click on the featured section for the link and promo code. You can also get regular “Thrifty Thursday” and discounts off new releases deals by signing up to the Peek-A-Boo Pattern’s newsletter.

I’m always on the hunt for sewing patterns for boys that use woven fabric. Woven fabric tends to be cheaper and more readily availible than good quality stretch fabric so I have a huge stash to use up. I sew my Little Miss a lot of pretty dresses and I want to be able to sew my Little Dude matching outfits.

I picked up this pattern on a Thrifty Thursday deal to sew my Little Dude a shirt to match the Christmas dress I sewed for Little Miss. I like that it’s a less formal style of shirt for a little boy.

Here’s the details of that sewing project if you’d like to see:

Buttons and Placket

One of the things I love about Peek-A-Boo’s Sewing Patterns is how clear the instructions are. I’d say I’m an intermediate sewer (Sewist?) so plackets are a bit of a challenge for me. But the pattern includes step by step instructions and they’re super clear. It’s just a matter of slowing down, reading the instructions carefully and taking my time sewing. Also known as “measure twice, cut once”.

I’m not too happy with my button choices but it was the best I had availible. Can anyone explain to me why I have 50,000 buttons and yet none that suit my sewing projects?!!?

My button holes aren’t the best either but they’ll do the job well enough. Practice makes perfect eh?

Sewing Peek-A-Boo Pattern's Cape Cod Shirt in Christmas Cotton

Back Yoke

The back yoke is my favourite part of the Cape Cod. It feels really messy and confusing as you sew it, but then it magically comes together into a really neat and professionally finished shirt. It’s my favourite technique at the moment.

Sewing Peek-A-Boo Pattern's Cape Cod Shirt in Christmas Cotton

Digital Sewing Patterns

Digital sewing patterns are fantastic for kids clothes because you just print the size you want, no tracing or messing about trying to preserve the larger sizes of the pattern for using as your child grows.

They generally come with loads of different options and a wider size range than traditional paper sewing patterns. Most of the digital sewing patterns I own go all the way up to the teenage years.

For me one of the huge benefits of using digital sewing patterns over their paper counterparts is space. I can keep as many digital patterns as I like on a tiny hard drive taking up hardly any space in my sewing room. My traditional paper sewing patterns have to squeeze into a box on a shelf. I don’t feel guilty keeping that digital pattern that I’ll probably never find the time to use because it doesn’t take up any resources in my home. That paper dress pattern on the other hand – that has to justify the space it takes up.

Sewing Fabric

I inherited quite a bit of Christmas fabric from my mother. This piece is a lovely quality cotton fabric with a cute stocking print.

It’s been in my stash for years waiting for just the right pattern to sew it into cute Christmas outfits for my kids.

Sewing Peek-A-Boo Pattern's Cape Cod Shirt in Christmas Cotton

I hope you have enjoyed reading about my adventures in sewing.

Follow me on your favourite social media channel for more sewing inspiration and tips.

Sewing Peek-A-Boo Pattern's Cape Cod Shirt in Christmas Cotton

I do hope my sewing project has inspired you to have ago at sewing your own kids clothes.

Pop this post in your Pinterest board so you can find it when you need inspiration.

Sewing Peek-A-Boo Pattern's Cape Cod Shirt in Christmas Cotton

A Little Bit About Me . . .

Thank you so much for stopping by my little corner of the interweb. I’m Bridie, mum to two small humans, full time homemaker and full time craftaholic – which totally explains why I’m always short on time!

Bridie @ Heart Hearth and Crafting

I’ve included links to my favourite retailers for the products I’ve used to make my crafts. Click on any of the product images and links for full details. If you decide to buy any of these products I may get a small percentage of what you spend. There’s no cost to you at all.
